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Breach of The Week – Nr. 1

Yahoo Data Breach of 2013 Welcome to our new series, Breach of the Week! In this series, we’ll explore some of the most notorious cyber attacks, data breaches, and...

How to Start Documenting APIs

Do you know what an API is? Have you ever used one? If you answered ‘yes’ to one or both questions, congratulations! You might know how helpful APIs are and...

Mastering React: How to Build a Powerful Component Library

Training Link Building a reusable component library in React can drastically improve your development workflow, enabling you to maintain consistency across projects and...

From Code to Career: How miCoach Fuels Tech Growth

Nowadays, personalized tech coaching holds the key to navigating the vast landscape of career opportunities. miCoach stands at the forefront fueling tech growth...

The Day My Code saw the World

This post covers a personal journey through embedded systems, Edge AI, and the expansive world of technology integration. It starts with early experiences in...

What is a knowledge portfolio and how to invest in it

In a competitive job market, your resume is your golden ticket to securing that desired position. It’s not just a document; it’s your personal marketing tool...